
2024年3月15日—InstallingComponentsinFoobar2000.Installingthecomponentsisasimpleprocess.Followthestepsbelow:DownloadtheComponentYouWant:,Analternativeuserinterface.Featuresinclude:adarkmodeonWindows10and11;aplaylistviewwithgrouping,artworkandin-linemetadataediting ...,Peter'sConponents†·QuickTagger·TextTools·AudioCDWriter·DEAFModuleDecoder·OpenMPTModuleDecoder·UtilityDSPArray·ABXComparator·UPnP...

A Quick Guide for Installing Foobar2000 Components

2024年3月15日 — Installing Components in Foobar2000. Installing the components is a simple process. Follow the steps below: Download the Component You Want:

Columns UI

An alternative user interface. Features include: a dark mode on Windows 10 and 11; a playlist view with grouping, artwork and in-line metadata editing ...

Components for foobar2000 v2.0 64bit

Peter's Conponents† · Quick Tagger · Text Tools · Audio CD Writer · DEAF Module Decoder · OpenMPT Module Decoder · Utility DSP Array · ABX Comparator · UPnP ...

Components Repository

Rebuilt ASIO host binary with Visual Studio 2010 to mitigate bugs in specific ASIO driver. Made possible to choose between 32bit and 64bit ASIO host/drivers ...

foobar2000 Components

These components are designed for foobar2000 v2.0. They are compatible with foobar2000 v1.5 and newer but require at least Windows 7 and CPU with SSE2 ...


This component decodes modules, or music files combining both samples and sequence data and effects, ... Oscilloscope (Direct2D) 1.1.0


2024年1月31日 — This Page will show only components which are built for at least x86 64-bit versions of Foobar2000. Components which exist in 32-bit version ...

[播放] foobar2000 推薦插件

2019年10月25日 — 接著找到foobar2000資料夾內的components資料夾並進入; 直接將.dll的插件檔案貼到此資料夾內,並重啟foobar2000主程式即可. 如果要查看插件是否已經成功 ...

foobar2000 2.24.3 品牌老、口碑佳的音樂播放器

foobar2000 2.24.3 品牌老、口碑佳的音樂播放器
